28 Ways to Pay it Forward
A random act of kindness can really brighten someone’s day. Show some love for your neighbors, a new friend or even a stranger this year! A little good goes a long way. Did you know? In the fiscal year 2014-2015 San Mateo city-wide volunteering averaged 1,521 volunteers per quarter, contributing a total of 79, 729 hours of service! Here are a few ideas to spread the love to your local community:
- Pitch in and help clean up the City we call home. Get the Bayfront Cleanup starting at Ryder Park on your calendars! It’s the 3rd Saturday in September (9/17).
- Help someone get active. Invite a friend or neighbor who needs some motivation to a Zumba, Bootcamp or Yoga in the Park class at Bay Meadows.
- Pay for the person in line behind you at TPumps.
- Give a bit of your time to Seniors in need! From delivering Meals on Wheels to volunteering to drive for the Get up & Go transportation service through PJCC, there is so much need to give back to our elders.
- Create a care package and keep it handy for the next homeless person you see. Here’s a great supply check list.
- Come to the rescue. Order soup from a local Chinese Restaurant to-go and drop off a container for a neighbor feeling under the weather.
- Take the time to teach someone a skill you know.
- Offer to babysit for parents who don’t get out much, so they can enjoy a date. Or give another mom a break! Every Monday from 3-5pm, we offer free, family-style entertainments at Paddock Park. What’s one more?
- Buy new art for your home and support the work of a local artist or artisan. First Friday San Mateo Artwalk is a great way to discover new Peninsula and Bay Area artists, plus see their work in-person.
- Go by Caltrain? Offer your seat to someone when there aren’t any left.
- Have books you’ve read that are just sitting around on a book shelf? Start a neighborhood book share!
- Bake cookies or brownies and share with a neighbor or colleagues.
- Borrow and lend things in the Bay Meadows neighborhood by posting in The Bay Meadows Google Group or joining the Bay Meadows Residents Facebook Group.
- Clean out an old item from your closets once a day for a month and at the end of the month donate 30 items to someone in need. Note: The San Mateo Citywide Yard Sale will again be held in August.
- Leave your waitress or waiter at 31st Union a bigger tip than usual.
- Put together a housewarming gift for a new neighbor from a few of your favorite local San Mateo spots.
- Refer the services of someone who is promoting their own business.
- Drop off homemade goodies at your local fire station.
- Talk to the shyest person in the group. Give them a chance to feel heard and included.
- Foster a pet from a local animal shelter and be sure to bring pups to Twilight Tails.
- Create a seasonal “Harvest Basket” full of what you’ve grown in the Persimmon Park Community Gardens and gift it to someone.
- If you’re running to Whole Foods San Mateo, call your neighbor and offer to pick up a few things.
- Drop off some baked goods from KitchenTown to your favorite local office or bring them into yours!
- Write a positive Yelp review about a local business you like.
- Make dinner for 4 instead of 2. Package up the extras and drop the meal off with a neighbor.
- Create a neighborhood sign up for a charity based walk/run to advocate good health, give back and create a strong sense of local pride.
- Volunteer your expertise. Offer to do pro bono work on a project where your skills are needed.
- Write an unexpected card to an old friend. You never know when someone really needs a kind word.
New construction, luxury apartment living is now available in San Mateo. Located within commuting distance to San Francisco and Silicon Valley, with easy access to downtown San Mateo and Redwood City via Caltrain, Field House at Bay Meadows is the perfect place to live and play. Fantastic amenities include a fitness center, pool, club room with chef’s kitchen, barbeques, and an outdoor fireplace. Learn more about leasing a flat or townhome here.