#ArtInMotion: Experience the Mirror Labyrinth at Bay Meadows
Since ancient times in Greece with the story of Theseus and the Minotaur, we have been intrigued and captivated with labyrinths. Whether representing the paths of life’s journey or a puzzle to solve, we just can’t get enough of their maze-like and bewildering qualities. And now we have our very own in San Mateo!
We recently blogged about the public art addition to Bay Meadows’ Town Square by internationally-acclaimed Danish artist Jeppe Hein. The installation, Hein’s first artwork on permanent exhibition in California, is called “Mirror Labyrinth NY – for California” and allows visitors an interactive experience as well as a backdrop for some unique photography and video opportunities.
Whether it’s kids playing peek-a-boo through the labyrinth, pups posing proudly in front of a backdrop of tall mirrors or adults showcasing the architectural features of this new public art, you can’t deny the appeal of “Mirror Labyrinth NY – for California”. It has also become a draw for Instagram users to showcase some incredible photography. Stop by Bay Meadows’ Town Square and experience #ArtInMotion. Be sure to tag us @baymeadowslife #baymeadowslife, we’ll be selecting favorites to showcase throughout the year!
Here are a few of our favorites so far:

Instagram Credit: kisstel143

Instagram Credit: pointfetchmatch

Instagram Credit: boldcursive

Instagram Credit: alexaspace

Instagram Credit: ciarandoheny
Great shots all. This video by athomedadmatters also caught our eye.
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